Monday, August 3, 2009

Another Project

Hello to all. My friends, you are probably shaking your heads right now, because I have started yet another project...blogging. However, this one has good intentions. A few of my HS friends "Blog" (can that be used as a verb?!?) and I thought it was a good was to show what it is we do all day. This summer we have been derailed a bit by a not-so-hostile takeover... my friend's 4 children. I agreed to watch them for her over the summer. Their oldest daughter is homeschooled and the middle 2 go to school and the little one is only 3. So, it has been a busy summer, but a fun one. Today we had a botany/bible study. How do you combine those two? Actually, it worked out well... I began by showing the kids a seed (pattypan squash), and we talked about how from this small, little thing that doesn't look, taste or smell at all like squash God creates food. Then we went further and said that with just a little bit of faith on our part, God can do glorious things and mold us into wonderful and astonishing beings. The kids really got it, and asked loads of good questions. Then we got to the fun part and planted the seeds. They were all great about it... "ewww grosss... that's a cucumber seed?!?!?" They loved that they got to help get all of the pesky watermelon away from the seeds... :) Well, I think that's about it for tonight...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jennifer and girls :0) am TOTALLY thrilled to be your very first "follower" !!! How cool is that ?
    Well Jennifer you said CAN combine ANY subjects when you HS thats yet another great beauty of it ! Some of the combinations we`ve come up with are maths/geography , english/art and heaven knows what else :)
    CONGRATULATIONS on the blog , can`t wait to show Aideen...she`ll be chuffed to see Renee at "work" too !
